
About Us

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Cambridge University Oriental Dance Association (CUODA) was founded in April 2013. Our aim is to gather passionate dancers in the region to recreate a myriad of oriental dance genres and promote oriental culture in the UK. As a young society, we sincerely welcome everyone who is interested in dancing to join our society. No matter which country you are from, which dance style you prefer–classic, modern, traditional, contemporary, hip-hop, etc., or whether you have ever danced before, you will always find your niche in CUODA. Here, we hope we could all be bound by our common passion, build on each other’s strengths, spark new creativity through our communication, and most importantly, enjoy every minute of us dancing together!

剑桥东方舞社(CUODA)是由一群热爱舞蹈的中国学生于2013年4月成立的剑桥首个东方舞蹈社团。我们致力于为广大剑桥地区的舞者们提供一个交流平台,推动各种东方舞蹈艺术形式的交融与创新,并为各大剑桥内部以及附近地区的春晚、以及各种公益或非公益的活动提供优质的舞蹈作品。 作为一个成立初期的社团,我们竭诚欢迎各位志同道合的朋友们加入到我们的队伍中来!无论您是否有舞蹈基础,无论您来自什么国家,无论您喜欢的是传统古典或是现代芭蕾,是韩国嘻哈或是各国民族风,我们都期待着您的到来。希望在这里,大家可以发挥所长,以舞会友,在尽情挥洒汗水的途中,碰撞出新的灵感火花,获得意想不到的美的享受!